
I thought it was important for me to tell everyone who views this blog that I am only posting this blog to brag about my son, wife and dog. I don't want any comments about how one sided I am. Furthermore, I will not be following anyone, so you don't have to follow me. This blog is basically for my mom. Thank you. Oh yah, 90 percent of what I say on this blog is probably not true. Use your common sense. Do you really think my kid can walk at one day old?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baby Dedication

This past Sunday, Daunee' and I dedicated our son Lucas to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our pastor spent some time with us explaining what the dedication meant. It opened our eyes to the fact that her and I are the ones who are put to the test of raising our child in the eyes of the lord. It will be solely our fault if we fail to do this. It is a big thing to take on, but we have God to look to when we don't know what to do. So here are a few photos of the dedication.

1 comment:

  1. I don't doubt your love of God won't be bestowed on your beautiful son. You two are the greatest parents and with God at your side Lucas will grow in his love. Now for me...I don't know if I can live with the fact that I missed this special day. AARGH!!!
