
I thought it was important for me to tell everyone who views this blog that I am only posting this blog to brag about my son, wife and dog. I don't want any comments about how one sided I am. Furthermore, I will not be following anyone, so you don't have to follow me. This blog is basically for my mom. Thank you. Oh yah, 90 percent of what I say on this blog is probably not true. Use your common sense. Do you really think my kid can walk at one day old?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My dog....Schultz

I have promised my dog that because he has behaved so well, I would post a blog about him. He keeps hounding me to get it done and now I have the time.

What a special little wiener. He knew something was going on when we were getting ready to go to the hospital. He was quiet and mopey and not himself. Luckily his grandma Deb took care of him and actually walked him till his paws wore off. He loved it though.

He was happy to see us return and he was very curious about his new brother. Wanting to show him the ropes he instantly licked his face and began his story, but I stopped him short because Lucas was too young and overwhelmed by a talking dog.

Shultz wouldn't let that hurt his feelings and for the past couple of days he has been by my side and Lucas's. Already a loyal dog. We are happy to have him and can't wait for Lucas to take a nap with his dog. One of the 1001 things a child should do before they leave home.


  1. He will be Lucas's best friend for sure!

  2. D & D~ We are so glad you are blogging! Now, we can keep up with your precious baby boys growing.... CONGRATS!
    Becky & Jeff Wendland
