
I thought it was important for me to tell everyone who views this blog that I am only posting this blog to brag about my son, wife and dog. I don't want any comments about how one sided I am. Furthermore, I will not be following anyone, so you don't have to follow me. This blog is basically for my mom. Thank you. Oh yah, 90 percent of what I say on this blog is probably not true. Use your common sense. Do you really think my kid can walk at one day old?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

a FEW Photos

Here are some photos of little Lucas in his pj's and of his new owies from his four month shots. Also I have included a picture of shultz helping me pick up the diapers he got into.


  1. Poor little Baby Lu, having two owies! But Shcutlz is a GOOD pup for helping.

  2. I was going through old photos and wow does Lucas remind me of Jeremy.
