
I thought it was important for me to tell everyone who views this blog that I am only posting this blog to brag about my son, wife and dog. I don't want any comments about how one sided I am. Furthermore, I will not be following anyone, so you don't have to follow me. This blog is basically for my mom. Thank you. Oh yah, 90 percent of what I say on this blog is probably not true. Use your common sense. Do you really think my kid can walk at one day old?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Baby lou's first Easter

This weekend we celebrate the ressurection of Jesus Christ. For if he wasn't raised and seated at the right hand of the lord, our faith would not exist. Where does this egg laying rabbit thing come from and why is it associated with Jesus. Enjoy the pics mom....no one else.


  1. I love that he can palm and Easter Egg! You all look so cute in yellow and blue. Had we come to Easter would we have been required to wear those colors, cuz you dad would look so cute in baby blue :0) I love Lucas' expression looking at the cousins.

  2. Schutlz doesn't look like he was having a very good time. ;(
