
I thought it was important for me to tell everyone who views this blog that I am only posting this blog to brag about my son, wife and dog. I don't want any comments about how one sided I am. Furthermore, I will not be following anyone, so you don't have to follow me. This blog is basically for my mom. Thank you. Oh yah, 90 percent of what I say on this blog is probably not true. Use your common sense. Do you really think my kid can walk at one day old?

Friday, February 5, 2010

One of us has to work

Daunee' finally had to go back to work. She wanted to be a stay at home mom, but one of has to work and I am too lazy for that. So she went back for a three night stretch. That meant I was left to watch the baby.
I knew I would handle it, but I wasn't sure how easy it would be. He must have known his mom was gone because he got depressed and slept each night for at least 6-8 hours without needing a feeding. It was good sleep for me and as soon as his mom was done and had her seven days off, he was back to normal.
Daunee' is a good mom and she always stayed up when she got home for a little baby time and she would wake up to pump and play even though she was exhausted after a 12 hour shift. It must be hard for her to only see Lucas not even three hours a day when she is working. But I think she enjoys getting out of the house and getting some work done. Don't we all.


  1. She is a good mommy and you are a good daddy. I am proud of both of you, Lucas is amazing and has wonderful parents. Must be why he is such a happy little guy, well that and he loved seeing his grammie!!!!!!!!
